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The Ultimate Ski Trip Packing List

Planning a ski trip? Wondering what you’ll need to pack?

Fourteen plus years of skiing at least once a year means I’ve got my ski trip packing list down to a fine art. It can be a challenge knowing what to pack for a ski trip but it’s crucial you get it right. The last thing you want to be thinking about when ripping through the powder is numb fingers or worrying about getting a sunburned nose. Not a good look.

To get the most from any ski tip you’ll need to have the right ski equipment and gear to be protected from the elements and any tumbles you might take. Whether it’s spring skiing in the sunshine or winter white-outs here are my top tips for what to pack for a ski trip. And as I like you, I’m including a free downloadable ski trip packing list.


Portes du Soleil, France
Portes du Soleil, France

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Ski Trip Packing List: Ski and Snowboard Equipment

What you take in terms of ski equipment will depend on the way you’re travelling. If you’re flying, the additional luggage costs may mean you won’t want to take your own equipment. It could be cheaper to hire your skis or snowboard when you reach the ski resort. It’s worth checking the hire shops on the internet for deals before you leave. You may even find some discount vouchers.

We travel to Avoriaz in the French Alps by car on our annual ski trip and there’s plenty of room to take all our ski gear in the car. We’ve got a lockable ski rack so skis go on the roof. If I’m flying out then I’ll just take my Head boots. After a really painful experience with hired boots I always take my Heads which are the most comfortable boots I’ve ever worn.

In terms of equipment for your ski trip you’ll need:

  • Skis
  • Ski Poles
  • Snowboard and bindings
  • Ski or Snowboard Boots
  • Ski or Board Bag
  • Helmet

What clothing do you need for your ski trip?

Ski Base-Layers
Ski Base-Layers

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Base Layers

Wool makes for a good base-layer. Having a good insulated base-layer is crucial for keeping warm in the cold. Make sure the tops are a good length so you can tuck them in.  A high neck with half-zip will keep you extra toasty. Pack one for every 2 days.

Ski Socks

Thick, warm thermal ski socks(four pairs) – I prefer them long, up to the knee, without seams otherwise they’ll rub in tight ski-boots.


Micro fleeces make great mid-layers and I take two thin and two thicker fleeces.  I like fleeces which have a high neck and half-zip with sleeves which tuck over the wrists with a thumb-hole.  It’s good not to have any gaps where the cold can creep in.

Ski Mid-Layers
Ski Mid-Layers

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What outer-wear should you pack for a ski trip?

Ski jacket or boarding jacket

Snowboard or ski jacketwith hood.  (I’ll be skiing) The hood on my jacket can zip right the way up to my nose – useful when it’s snowing hard as it protects my face. 

There are also loads of pockets (phone, money, tissues) and a lift-pass pocket in the arm which makes for easy scanning when going through the ski-lift gates. Ski pantsare an essential or board pants – I’ll be taking two pairs one black, one pink!  Can you see a theme yet?

Skiing - Outer-Layers
Skiing – Outer-Layers

Ski gloves, hat and neck warmer

Gloves – 3 pairs.  A pair of glove liners, and pair of ski gloves. If you also have an old pair of  ski gloves take these too in case you lose a glove on the slopes.  This happened once and I had to buy another pair of gloves which proved costly. 

I’ll also take a snug fleece hat that covers my ears and a neck warmer. Goggles – absolutely essential when it’s snowing.  Sunglasses are essential because the sun is really intense when it reflects off the snow.

I have ski-boots, skis and poles now – I used to hire (had one horrendous day on the slopes with ski-boots half a size too small and as a result three even more horrendous days not being able to walk properly) ski boots were acquired the following Christmas.  Boots, skis and poles are all packed!

Snow Boots and après-ski wear

Grippy, waterproof snow boots for wearing to and from the slopes and in the evenings. Great with jeans and a sloppy jumper for après-ski. Thermal leggings can be worn under jeans for extra warmth and a few jumpers and tops should see you through the evenings – again layering is key. I’ll be taking

Insulated Waterproof Snow Boots

which keep my feet dry and warm.

​Looking for a travel backpack for women? This backpack buying guide will help you choose the best fit and backpack for you and your trip.

Apres-Ski Wear
Waterproof Snow Boots
Waterproof Snow Boots

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Ski Helmet

I wear a Salomon ski helmet which has cosy ear pads to keep my ears warm – if it’s really cold I’ll wear an ear-warmer underneath as well. Salomon Icon C. Air 2015 Womens Ski and Snowboard Helmet In Black.

That’s it as far as clothing goes but there are other ski essentials that shouldn’t be forgotten. Sunscreen – UV radiation is stronger in alpine areas and when it’s reflected by the snow it’s even more severe. I love this factor 50 sunscreen by Altruist. It’s a dematologist sunscreen at a great price – it’s also reef friendly and the company donates to help people with albinism in Africa. A protective lip balm is important too.

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I’ll take a mini-rucksack for sunscreen, Snickers bar, tissues and camera.  My ‘Little Hotties’ hand warmers will also go in the rucksack just in case.

The mobile phone is definitely coming – useful for GPS and contacting the rest of our ski group and this year I’ve got a new app; Ski Track which shows where you’ve skied while tracking distance, speed, altitude and duration – all running on minimal battery life.  We’ll see…

Apart from the usual holiday essentials; travel documents, toiletries, chargers etc I think that’s everything you’ll need for your ski trip. 

Ski Boot Bag & Holdall

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Reviewed: Snow Boots | The Travelbunny

Friday 17th of January 2014

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Thursday 16th of January 2014

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Wednesday 15th of January 2014

Hi Suzanne,

Unfortunately we are still waiting for snow in this part of the world but this is a great "to check" list that I will use. Thanks for sharing this with us!

Suzanne Courtney

Wednesday 15th of January 2014

Hope you don't have to wait too long and glad the list was useful :)

Otto von Münchow

Wednesday 15th of January 2014

A nice article. I mostly agree with you although I tend to pack lighter. Enjoy your time in the Alps!

Suzanne Courtney

Wednesday 15th of January 2014

We actually had spring like weather in January so I didn't wear everything I took. Great skiing though!


Tuesday 14th of January 2014

Great Article! I am now ready to repack for my next month's Ski Trip, hopefully the weather is clear. :D

Suzanne Courtney

Tuesday 14th of January 2014

We had wonderful Spring ski conditions in January - wishing you a wonderful ski trip too :)

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